Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May Thirtieth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Quick update!

I am going home this afternoon!  I will be at that wedding tomorrow!  Thank you for your prayers :)
I return Tuesday to Columbus, but I am thankful for a few days at home!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May Twenty-Seventh, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Quick update!

I am still in Columbus.  My body had some issues with the chemo last week.  This put me behind schedule.  My numbers dropped quite fast so I was never discharged after my treatment.  I am now waiting for my white blood count to increase so that I can be discharged.  There is nothing I can do to speed up the process!  As you can imagine, I am getting a bit nervous considering the wedding is in 4 days!  I'm trying to stay positive, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't freaking out inside!!  The worst-case scenario would be that I miss the rehearsal dinner Thursday and get a "temporary discharge" pass for Friday.  I won't have the energy I had hoped for at the wedding...but again, it's just important that I'm there!   

Check back soon!

"In his mind a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps."
                                          -Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen


My body responded well to the Methotrexate.  I returned to Cincinnati on Saturday, May 4th.  Fortunately, I felt really good last week.  I definitely took advantage of it and spent time visiting friends, eating and staying at my house in Bellevue.  I even went to the grocery store (which I haven't done in five months)!!  It was nice to feel "normal." While home, I had two appointments for lab work at the Cincinnati oncologist office.  So even in Cincinnati, I'm still being monitored closely.  It's comforting to know that both the Cincinnati and Columbus doctors are working together.

My Mom and I returned to Columbus for the PET scan and MRI this past Monday the 13th.  Tuesday, I met Dr. Baiocchi (primary Columbus physician) for the results. The PET scan was an improvement in comparison to my first one during April.  The doctor is optimistic that another IVAC (five day) chemotherapy treatment may kill the remaining lymphoma.  I was admitted, provided a hospital room immediately and started treatment.  Thankfully, my doctors were able to move the scans and treatments up one week so that I could attend my sister's wedding.  =) 

Ella and I on one of my good days (and yes that is a wig haha)

A little Motivation! (the middle might throw you off but the end is good!)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May Second, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Happy May...not only do I turn 30 years old this month (yikes), but most importantly, Kristen is getting married =)  The wedding will be here before I know it and I cannot wait to be part of her big day!   

As for me, I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, April 23rd.  I was home for a week.  This gave me time to visit family and friends.  Mentally, I also needed those six days to regroup and rejuvenate! 

I returned to the James Cancer Center this past Tuesday.  The medical team decided on a new treatment called "high-dose Methotrexate."  This is a 2-hour chemotherapy treatment.  Methotrexate helps stop the growth of cancer cells.  I will stay at the hospital until the medicine is cleared through my kidney.  Methotrexate is pretty toxic so they monitor me closely until it is completely out of my body.  This could take 4-5 days or more.  Once the medicine clears, I will go home :)

I finally met with the doctor that is head of my case, Doctor Robert Baiocchi.  He shared my future treatment plan.  When I return (date pending), I will get a PET scan and a MRI of the head.  If the scans look as though the chemotherapy treatments are working, I will undergo one more treatment (the 5 day treatment--IVAC) and then meet with the bone marrow team, for planning the transplant.  Thanks for checking-in!