Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November Fourteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Dear Friends and Family,

I was not anticipating to write my last blog in this fashion.  It became necessary, as my lymphoma rapidly progressed beyond the healing point.  I arrived at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC with high hopes for receiving T-cells to eradicate the Epstein-Barr Virus which has plagued my immune system.   Unfortunately, the lymphoma drastically increased to the point where T-cells were out numbered, not enough for cancer remission.  The doctors suggested that I discuss my final wishes, as options for treatment were near zero.  Difficult, but I am okay.  My soul is at peace.  The sadness is leaving family behind to grieve and of course, my beautiful friends.  I have had a full life and am so blessed.  I fought the fight and didn't give up, but without options one must face reality.  For others who struggle or have witnessed cancer, it is a terrible disease.

On Monday, November 11th, I ascended into Heaven to fly with the angels and reunite with loved ones, having passed before me.  I love you all.  When you think of me, think of the happy and healthy person I was.  Don't ever take life for granted, but live life to the fullest, without complaint. Thank you so much for your thought, concern and prayer during this past year.  You provided me with continued strength and courage.


P.S.  Please become a blood or platelet donor; I used a lot.

"And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand."
                                                                            -An Irish Blessing

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October Eighteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Unfortunately, I never made it to New York.  On Monday I was admitted to Christ due to high fevers and low numbers/platelets.  I've been here all week.  As of now, I will fly out on Sunday and start the T-cell treatment Monday.  We'll get there!


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday, October Thirteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen


Plans change so quickly around here.  My mom and I fly to New York on Tuesday.  I am going to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center where I will meet with Doctor Richard O'Reilly.  Dr. O'Reilly has developed and introduced in clinical trial, a new immune cell therapy that helps manage Epstein-Barr-virus lymphomas.  I will receive third-party T-cells to help destroy the Epstein-Barr-virus.  I will receive the T-cells one day a week for three weeks.  The hope is that this past chemo along with these T-cells will reduce the amount of active cancer and allow me to get the stem cell transplant.  Unless the cancer is reduced, the stem cell transplant would not be effective.

Fortunately for us, we have family in NY and will stay with my uncle about 30 miles from the hospital.  It is still unclear whether I will stay overnight at the hospital as I receive the T-cells.  This plan was formulated on the spur of the moment and is lacking details.  I will try to update the blog once I have my consultation with Dr. O'Reilly on Wednesday, October 16th.

You can read more about Dr. O'Reilly here:


God before you,
God behind you,
God above you,
God within you.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday, October Six, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hello from OSU,

I had a PET scan this past Monday, September 30th. The results were not pleasing to my doctor.  Basically, my body did not respond to the new anti-body drug, brentuximab, as he had hoped.  The PET scan showed progressive Lymphoma.  Dr. Baiocchi decided to go forth with another 5-day chemo regimen.  If I proceed with the transplant now, it could possibly go to waste because I still have too much disease in my body at this time.  I have the best chance of transplant with the smallest amount of again, I am fully on board with his decision to postpone it until the "window of opportunity" appears. 

There are few options up in the air for the next several weeks regarding my treatment...but nothing has been finalized.

As always, thank you again for all of the support and prayers! 

On a side note, Kristen put together a team for the Cincinnati chapter of the LLS (The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) for the Light the Night Walk this upcoming Thursday, October 10th.  No need to donate because everyone has done so much already!  Here is the link to the page to view:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September Twelveth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hello all -

Once again, I apologize for the lack of updates.  This past Tuesday, I was released from the James Cancer Hospital where I spent about 35 days...I truly lost count!  I'm currently back in Cincinnati and will remain here for two weeks as long as I feel well.  It took my body several weeks to recover from the treatment in August and that is why I remained hospitalized for so long.  Again...the more chemotherapy, the harder it is for your counts to recover.  I must sound like a broken record, ha!

There was a small "window of opportunity" to reschedule the transplant.  I was scheduled to move to the BMT (bone marrow transplant) floor on September 10th and start the "conditioning" for the transplant.  The actual transplant was planned for September 17th.  I held off from updating the blog with this information because I feel like each time I update it...something changes!  And in true fashion, there have been changes.  I had a PET scan while I was admitted because my EBV titer that had been originally on the decline for weeks had started to go back up.  This means that there is active lymphoma in my body.  I have some disease near my kidney and near my aorta.  So the transplant has been postponed again.  Of course it is frustrating and disappointing but I've learned to anticipate changes.

I started a new antibody-drug called Brentuximab on Monday.  This drug is administered every three weeks.  Brentuximab will target the specific cancer marker I have.  Dr. Baiocchi felt that I could go home during this time and recuperate while the drug does its thing.  While home, I am going to continue to isolate myself and stay out of the public.  My main concern is to take it easy and avoid infection!  I have an appointment in Columbus on September 17th, 24th and a scan on October 1st.  If the Brentuximab works, the transplant will be rescheduled ASAP.

Lauren xoxo
                                       Something I have to remind myself of daily

 *Lord help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that you and I together can't handle

Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday, August Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hi there!

My PET scan showed that the radiation worked on my L5 (spine), but unfortunately displayed several new spots.  The stem cell transplant was postponed.  I was admitted to OSU on Saturday, August 3rd and just finished a five-day chemotherapy treatment to tackle new areas.  I was treated for pneumonia too.  I remain at the hospital, as this is my "bad week" (immediately after chemo).  This way, they can control infection or fever.  I have another PET scan next Friday, August 23rd.  If looking good, a new transplant date will be determined quickly...I'll update the blog when I know more.  I am anxious for the transplant and cannot wait for things to get going...  Afterwards, my hospital stay will continue for several more weeks.

Also, a big THANK YOU to the Fedigan Family (Mom's family) for the huge poster with the encouraging words and signatures, from the recent family reunion.  I loved reading the messages!  It put a big smile on my face :)


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday, July Twenty-Eighth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hello all,

I finished ten rounds of radiation this past Wednesday, July twenty-fourth.  The radiation itself was pretty easy and painless.  The only side effect I have experienced is fatigue.  Thankfully, radiation didn't affect my numbers or blood counts.  We drove up daily for treatment.  I will have a PET scan this Friday, August second.  The scan will show if the radiation worked and if there are any new please keep me in your prayers that the scan comes out clear!!

There are several pre-transplant tests that I must do to prepare for the Stem Cell Transplant.  I will go to Columbus tomorrow morning and stay until EOD Tuesday.  I will attend an information class and have several tests including an MRI of the brain, bone marrow biopsy, EKG of the heart, spinal tap, and blood work.

A stem cell donor has been contacted and has agreed to the transplant so that is great news! The donor is a 28 year old male.  I do not know where he lives or anything about him.  I will be able to write him a thank you card after the transplant...but other than that, I can contact him one year from transplant.  I hate that I have to wait so long but that is the rule in place.  My admission date is August fourteen.  There is a five or six day chemo involved prior to the transplant so I imagine the actual transplant will take place at the very end of the month.

I will update the blog once I get the results of the PET.  Thank you all for reading and keeping up with my journey.  It means a lot to know that I have such a large support team behind me :)

                                   Ringing the bell for my last radiation treatment
       Enjoying the summer fresh air with a Pina Colada (no alcohol but tastes the same!)
                                                     For a good laugh!

~ Every day, set your mind in the right direction.  Find something to be grateful for.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July Eighth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

I've been waiting to update the blog until I found out what my near future looked like, so here it is...

After meeting with my doctor last week I found out that I will not have another chemotherapy treatment (yippee!!).  My body has been through a lot and he doesn't think it could handle another it took two weeks for my numbers to recover last time.  He scheduled a PET scan to see if the spot on my L5 vertebrae disappeared with this last chemotherapy.  Unfortunately, the spot was still present.  Therefore, I will have ten rounds (I think) of radiation on my lower back.  I return to Columbus tomorrow to have my back "marked" for the radiation and then I will start on Thursday.

As far as the Stem Cell Transplant goes, there is a good match for me on the donor registry.  The doctor tested Kristen's blood and we are indeed identical twins (we were never 100% sure).  He feels that if Kristen is the donor, her cells would not be strong enough to attack the bad cells present in my body.  It would be similar to getting my own immune system back.  Thankfully, I had multiple matches on the donor registry.  The transplant should take place soon after the radiation...possibly in 3 weeks.  Following the transplant, I will spend a month in the hospital and then move into an "isolation apartment" for the following month.  More info on that when I learn more!!

~Whatever you're facing today, keep going. keep moving. keep hoping. keep pressing on. There is victory on the other side!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday, June Fifteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

The last couple of weeks have been pretty nonstop! First off, I was discharged out of the hospital the day before my sister's wedding :) It was beautiful and Kristen looked gorgeous. It was a long day for me but everything ended up working out really well. It was so nice to visit with friends and family. Thank you to all of those that traveled to be part of her special day! I will include some pictures down below. The wedding was on Friday, May 31st. I was due back to the James on Thursday, June 2nd where I was admitted for the third 5-day IVAC chemotherapy treatment. I also had a PET scan while admitted. Many of the areas where the lymphoma was present (abdominal area and sinus cavity) have resolved. There is an area on my L5 vertebra which seems to be stubborn. There is talk that I may have radiation on that area - stay tuned. It has been decided that I will definitely go forward with the Stem Cell Transplant. My siblings have been tested as possible matches. Kristen seems to be a perfect match. The doctors are doing a few more tests on her blood involving the EBV and her T-cells. I should have more information for you soon regarding these tests. Tentatively, the transplant will take place in July. I am currently at Christ Hospital in Cincinnati getting some blood products and antibiotics. It is nice that I can come to Christ when I'm home and my numbers are down. Both hospitals work together which makes it somewhat convenient for me. Here are some pics from the wedding. I was transformed with hair and make-up :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May Thirtieth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Quick update!

I am going home this afternoon!  I will be at that wedding tomorrow!  Thank you for your prayers :)
I return Tuesday to Columbus, but I am thankful for a few days at home!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May Twenty-Seventh, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Quick update!

I am still in Columbus.  My body had some issues with the chemo last week.  This put me behind schedule.  My numbers dropped quite fast so I was never discharged after my treatment.  I am now waiting for my white blood count to increase so that I can be discharged.  There is nothing I can do to speed up the process!  As you can imagine, I am getting a bit nervous considering the wedding is in 4 days!  I'm trying to stay positive, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't freaking out inside!!  The worst-case scenario would be that I miss the rehearsal dinner Thursday and get a "temporary discharge" pass for Friday.  I won't have the energy I had hoped for at the wedding...but again, it's just important that I'm there!   

Check back soon!

"In his mind a man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps."
                                          -Proverbs 16:9

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen


My body responded well to the Methotrexate.  I returned to Cincinnati on Saturday, May 4th.  Fortunately, I felt really good last week.  I definitely took advantage of it and spent time visiting friends, eating and staying at my house in Bellevue.  I even went to the grocery store (which I haven't done in five months)!!  It was nice to feel "normal." While home, I had two appointments for lab work at the Cincinnati oncologist office.  So even in Cincinnati, I'm still being monitored closely.  It's comforting to know that both the Cincinnati and Columbus doctors are working together.

My Mom and I returned to Columbus for the PET scan and MRI this past Monday the 13th.  Tuesday, I met Dr. Baiocchi (primary Columbus physician) for the results. The PET scan was an improvement in comparison to my first one during April.  The doctor is optimistic that another IVAC (five day) chemotherapy treatment may kill the remaining lymphoma.  I was admitted, provided a hospital room immediately and started treatment.  Thankfully, my doctors were able to move the scans and treatments up one week so that I could attend my sister's wedding.  =) 

Ella and I on one of my good days (and yes that is a wig haha)

A little Motivation! (the middle might throw you off but the end is good!)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday, May Second, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Happy May...not only do I turn 30 years old this month (yikes), but most importantly, Kristen is getting married =)  The wedding will be here before I know it and I cannot wait to be part of her big day!   

As for me, I was released from the hospital on Tuesday, April 23rd.  I was home for a week.  This gave me time to visit family and friends.  Mentally, I also needed those six days to regroup and rejuvenate! 

I returned to the James Cancer Center this past Tuesday.  The medical team decided on a new treatment called "high-dose Methotrexate."  This is a 2-hour chemotherapy treatment.  Methotrexate helps stop the growth of cancer cells.  I will stay at the hospital until the medicine is cleared through my kidney.  Methotrexate is pretty toxic so they monitor me closely until it is completely out of my body.  This could take 4-5 days or more.  Once the medicine clears, I will go home :)

I finally met with the doctor that is head of my case, Doctor Robert Baiocchi.  He shared my future treatment plan.  When I return (date pending), I will get a PET scan and a MRI of the head.  If the scans look as though the chemotherapy treatments are working, I will undergo one more treatment (the 5 day treatment--IVAC) and then meet with the bone marrow team, for planning the transplant.  Thanks for checking-in!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, April Nineteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hello Everyone:

I apologize for the long stretch of silence.  My final PET Scan results at Christ Hospital (Cincinnati) came back, but not the way I hoped for.  After six chemotherapy treatments, some lymphoma cells remained present.  Lymphoma was highlighted in several parts of my abdomen.  I had vertebre in my spinal chord highlighted plus an area in the sinus cavity, behind the left eye.  Without hesitation, the doctor arranged for admittance to the Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital.  I left the next day for Columbus, Ohio and have remained here.

I've been here for 23 days- Woah!  I really appreciate the cancer team, as the doctors, nurses and staff have been wonderful :)   A plan is in place to treat my lymphoma.  The lymphoma type and sub category have been determined requiring a different chemo cocktail of medicine.  I've already undergone one chemo treatment with three-four ahead.  The new chemo regime is spread over five days, much different than the previous treatment completed in one day.  It is much more aggressive.

So, you may wonder what I've been doing for three weeks?  I have had every test imaginable. . .CAT scan, PET scan, MRI of the abdomen, MRI of the brain, spinal tap, biopsy of lymph nodes, biopsy of the sinus cavity, bronchoscopy. . . etc.  The team wanted their own test results/records to ensure they positively identified the cancer type.  They were able to get a good biospy of two lymph nodes and of the small mass in my sinus cavity.  The pathologist came back with Non- Hodgkins Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; however, it was cancer marker CD20 negative.  In Cincinnati, I was being treated for the same cancer, but with cancer marker CD20 positive.  This was no one's fault.  The Columbus team now feels confident of their move forward.

Regarding the treatments, they take place every 21 days.  I will come to Columbus for each treatment and stay until my numbers (immune system/white blood cells) are up.  Only then is it safe to go home.  If needing medical attention while in Cincinnati, I will do so at Christ Hospital.  The hospitals work together.  Once into remission, I will undergo a bone marrow transplant, also known as a stem cell transplant.  This procedure will replace damaged or destroyed bone marrow with healthy stem cells.  The transplant remains in the future.  I have much to learn and will update you in the future.  

I may go home for several days this upcoming week.  My numbers are improving daily (slowly).  Again, I have experienced some rough side effects from the chemotherapy. . . nausea, bone pain, headache and fever.  It has been "nonstop" here.  Thank you for your calls and emails.  Many ask, "What can I do?  How can I help?"  As of now, please consider donating blood at the American Red Cross.  I believe you can donate blood in my behalf.  This would be a nice way to "pay it forward."  Please keep the prayers coming too!  Thank you!  I will update again soon.



Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March Twenty-Eighth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

I had a little set back after I saw my doctor and received the results of the PET scan.  I am now at The James Cancer Center at The Ohio State University getting some tests done.  I don't have a lot of information to share with you at this time but once I do, I will explain the situation in detail.

Thank you for your continuous support and prayers!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday, March Twenty-Second, Two Thousand and Thirteen

I've been getting a lot of questions about my lymphoma and how the Epstein-Barr virus (Mononucleosis) plays a role.  So I thought to myself, I should add some more information for my followers!  Trust me, I know how hard it is to understand all of the medical jargon so I hope this helps clear things up a bit :-)

I have Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with a subgroup of Plasmablastic.  Phew, that is a mouthful!

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a cancer of B cells, a type of white blood cell responsible for producing antibodies. It is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma among adults. An underlying immunodeficiency, is a significant risk factor. Infection with Epstein-Barr virus has also been found to contribute to the development of DLBCL.

The risk of developing lymphoma is markedly increased after solid organ transplantation e.g kidney, liver, heart or lung transplants. These lymphomas are medically termed ‘Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders’ or PTLDs.
Post-transplant lymphomas are almost always related to infection by the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Infection by the Epstein Barr Virus causes a transformation of B-cells which becomes cancerous. In normal individuals other cells of the immune system can tackle the EBV infection, but for organ transplants high doses of drugs that suppress the immune system must be administered. With nothing to control the infection, the chances of developing lymphomas increase.

More than 90% of adults are exposed to the Epstein Barr virus during some point in their life.  Once infected with the Epstein Barr virus, a person generally is infected for life - though the virus will in most cases remain dormant.  Last year I either contracted EBV or it flared up (we don't know exactly). My immune system couldn't fight the virus so it multiplied and transformed my B cells which caused DLBCL.  In a "healthy" person, your immune system would have fought the virus.  In my case, because of my compromised immune system, my body has a harder time fighting off viruses and infections.

~Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday, March Twenieth, Two Thousand and Thirteen


The past two weeks have been a little rough.  I've been battling low blood pressure and a low red blood count.  Those combined left me with little energy.  I apologize for the lack of updates but I have not been in the mood to be on the computer!  I had a third spinal tap last Wednesday to check my spinal fluid.  The spinal tap left me with an awful migraine over the weekend.  Thankfully, I was able to get some fluids on Saturday and Sunday which helped relieve some of the pressure in my head.  I hope to get more fluids today at my doctor appointment.  Last Friday, I received two units of blood at Christ to increase my red blood count.  I've been taking it very easy on the couch to prevent another headache so I haven't been able to enjoy the new found energy yet!  I am definitely getting restless!  I had a scheduled PET scan yesterday.  I should find the results for both the spinal tap and PET scan next Wednesday.  I am hoping and praying for good news.  I will update the blog once I get my results!


Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday, March fourth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hi everyone!  Here is the link to vote for my nurse for Miss Plus America 2013!  Her name is Angela Hicks.  Voting ends Friday so please remember to vote.  Thanks!!!  You will need to copy and paste it into your browser.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, February Twenty-Third, Two Thousand and Thirteen

As predicted (and for the LAST time), I was admitted to the hospital Tuesday night with neutropenic fever.  My white count is creeping back up so I should be home tomorrow.  The sun outside my window has me experiencing a huge case of cabin fever.  What I wouldn't do right now for a flight to a warm destination, a long run and the smell of the ocean.  Might as well throw in a piƱa colada too =) I time.  "Left foot, right foot, breathe."  That quote came from 20/20, Robin Roberts' Journey: The Diagnosis.  If you didn't have the chance to see it last night, I highly recommend it.  ABC has the episode posted online.  I was very moved and motivated.  It also left me thinking about my own journey with cancer.  I thought of the cards, phone calls and visits I have received from all of you.  The endless support and encouragement.  The greatest gifts in life are friends, family and LOVE.  Without these you have nothing.  I will never be able to thank you all enough for being by my side as I fought the toughest battle of my life.   

As of now, I have two more Rituxan treatments.  I will have my third PET scan and spinal tap the second week of March.  I hope to report good news!!  I will continue to see the doctor weekly.  I was told it will take at least one month for me to start feeling better so I'm thinking beginning/middle of April.  The chemotherapy drugs stay in your body for quite some time.  Also, it will take time for my immune system to strengthen so I still have to stay away from crowded public places. 

Light.Love.Power.Presence ~Robin Roberts wore this on her wristband

The light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday, February Sixteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

My last chemo was this past Wednesday, February 13th.  I'm very happy, but know the following weeks are going to be difficult.  My body is taking longer to recover after treatment, so I take it "day to day."  Hopefully, my third PET scan next month will show the lymphoma completely gone.  A third spinal tap probably next week will again check my spinal fluid.  I have many questions for the doctor regarding medications/Rituxan treatments...will they continue or will they stop?  I'll keep you posted.

On February 6th, my niece turned one year old!  My brother and sister-in-law had a small, family party at their house.  Ella loved her cake, presents...and of course the attention!     

And yes, that's a Cincinnati Reds Baseball to start em' young =)  One thing is for certain, she'll look adorable at her first baseball game!  Note the picture below.  I still have hair...but can't say the same for my lower eyelashes!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday, February Second, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Many of you wonder if I was in the hospital this past week.  Unfortunately, the extra week didn't keep me out of the hospital as hoped, but I think it did help with the length of my stay.  I had a Rituxan treatment on Wednesday as usual and was feeling pretty good.  Late that night I spiked a fever and was admitted to the hospital (imagine that).  They gave me antibiotics and two units of blood overnight.  By Friday, my white blood cell count improved, allowing me to return home.  I receive Rituxan again this upcoming Wednesday.

As of now, my last chemotherapy treatment will be Wednesday, February 13th...thank goodness!!  Of course, I'm sure that another hospital stay will follow, but am definitely looking forward to the upcoming weeks!  I will be happy once this month is over and things get back to (somewhat) normal =)

On a not so positive note, my grandma (Lengle) has been transferred from assisted living to hospice.  This past week she was taken to the hospital for intense chest pain.  X-rays showed severe pneumonia and dehydration.  She also has a bacteria growing in her blood and atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat).  I was able to visit her at hospice on Wednesday prior to the hospital.  She "came to" upon hearing my voice and we had a good conversation.  My grandma and I are very close and I am truly blessed to have had such an amazing woman in my life for so long.  She never wanted to go to a nursing home.  After 94 years, we take comfort in knowing her wish was granted.

(2/3/13 Update- Grandma passed away Saturday, February 2 at 9:30pm. She was very much at peace)
Picture of Ella and her great grandmother Christmas 2012

I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated ~ unknown

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January Twenty-Third, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Today, I had my 5th chemo treatment.  All went well.  Five down, one to go!  I learned today that the nurse that cares for me at the outpatient center has been nominated for "Miss Plus Ohio."  I am very excited for her and she DEFINITELY deserves it!  Her name is Angela.  I will upload the link so you can vote for her once I receive it.  Angela is the nicest and most caring, genuine nurse I see...of course they are ALL amazing, but she is extra special.

Since my 5th and 6th chemo treatments were moved to every three weeks, I hope to stay out of the hospital next week.  I was told no promises though.  The extra week was to give my body more time to recover and develop some of my own T-cells to help with my immune system.  Overall, I am feeling pretty good. 

Here is a picture of the chemotherapy suite where I get my treatments.  As you can see, it's one large room.  Patients can choose to sit in the room or request a private room.  I usually choose the large room.  Typically, I am the only person in there but every now and then, I have company.  I read or listen to my iPod during treatment.  Tomorrow, I will return to the office to receive my Neulasta shot.  This medication is usually given at least 24 hours after chemotherapy to stimulate the growth of new, healthy, white blood cells. 

Here I am sporting my lovely wig.  I've only worn it a handful of times because I rarely leave the house.  Oddly, I still have a decent amount of my real hair left.  It's very thin though.  I've been told that I still may lose it all with these last two treatments, so again we'll see.  I'll keep you updated =)

Thank you again for the prayers.  Please pray for my family to keep up their strength and positive attitude, I know it's hard on them too!  Thanks!


If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it.” —Muhammad Ali

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January Seventeenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

I was released from the hospital late Wednesday afternoon.  I had a second spinal tap on Tuesday.  In order to keep from gettting another spinal headache, I laid flat for 16 hours.  Thankfully I was sleeping most of that time!  I have a slight headache but it's manageable.  I also had a second PET scan while I was admitted.  The results look pretty amazing.  The doctor is very pleased as so am I.

I will spend this week regaining some strength!  My fifth chemotherapy treatment will be this upcoming Wednesday.  Thank you for your continuous thoughts and prayers!    

Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday, January Thirteenth, Two Thousand and Thirteen

Hello all,

I apologize for the long stretch of silence.  I am currently at the hospital.  Today is my sixth day.   I was admitted with neutropenic fever once again.  My white count is now back up so that is good news.  However, I've been developing a fever at night so they have kept me here to do some tests before I am released.  I will see the doctor in the morning.  I hope to go home soon!  As you can imagine, I am getting a bit restless!

I have learned that my last two chemotherapy treatments will be moved to every three weeks.  My doctor hopes the extra week will give my body time to develop T cells but also to try and keep me out of the hospital!  (T cells or T lymphocytes belong to a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes, and play a central role in cell-mediated immunity.)

I hope everyone had a great New Years!  Don't forget to get your flu shot ;-)