Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday, February Twenty-Third, Two Thousand and Thirteen

As predicted (and for the LAST time), I was admitted to the hospital Tuesday night with neutropenic fever.  My white count is creeping back up so I should be home tomorrow.  The sun outside my window has me experiencing a huge case of cabin fever.  What I wouldn't do right now for a flight to a warm destination, a long run and the smell of the ocean.  Might as well throw in a piña colada too =) I time.  "Left foot, right foot, breathe."  That quote came from 20/20, Robin Roberts' Journey: The Diagnosis.  If you didn't have the chance to see it last night, I highly recommend it.  ABC has the episode posted online.  I was very moved and motivated.  It also left me thinking about my own journey with cancer.  I thought of the cards, phone calls and visits I have received from all of you.  The endless support and encouragement.  The greatest gifts in life are friends, family and LOVE.  Without these you have nothing.  I will never be able to thank you all enough for being by my side as I fought the toughest battle of my life.   

As of now, I have two more Rituxan treatments.  I will have my third PET scan and spinal tap the second week of March.  I hope to report good news!!  I will continue to see the doctor weekly.  I was told it will take at least one month for me to start feeling better so I'm thinking beginning/middle of April.  The chemotherapy drugs stay in your body for quite some time.  Also, it will take time for my immune system to strengthen so I still have to stay away from crowded public places. 

Light.Love.Power.Presence ~Robin Roberts wore this on her wristband

The light of God surrounds me;
The love of God enfolds me;
The power of God protects me;
The presence of God watches over me.
Wherever I am, God is.



  1. Once you're out there running again and enjoying that pina colada it'll taste that much better! Thinking of you from NY

  2. so glad that this party of your recovery journey is complete! we are thinking about you and praying for you daily and wish you all the best with this new phase!
